Church @ Home

We are a home-based church model that provides an intimate and family centered environment for people to worship, grow in their walk with Jesus, and build community with other believers.


Church is not an event or building you go to each week, it is a FAMILY where you are KNOWN and LOVED.


Serving Together

Our goal is to create a gospel movement for the good of our communities. Saturate families donate their time, talents, and other resources to help local businesses thrive and connect people to social services. Together, we intentionally engage the people in our lives with the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Church @Home

At the center of our church structure is what we call Home Church Groups. We meet regularly to share a meal, encourage one another, share what God is doing in our lives, and grow in our understanding of how the good news of Jesus transforms every area of our lives.  If it sounds weird, keep reading about what you can expect if you visit us.

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Statement of Faith

It is through faith in Jesus Christ that we can experience the forgiveness for our sins, receive righteousness, and be declared justified; opening the door for us to have a restored and renewed relationship with God, our Father. Read our entire statement of faith to understand what we believe it means to follow Jesus.